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We're three Movements in one

Students' Christian Fellowship and Scripture Union has three main ministries:


We're a Student Movement

We are not an organization that has a large number of paid professionals doing the work of the ministry. Rather our staff and volunteers function as trainers and equippers. We try to empower students to minister to their fellow students. We are a fellowship of students and by students. Currently our ministry is focussed on tertiary and secondary institutions. We hope in the future to be able to minister at primary level institutions as well.


We're a para-church Movement

Our purposes as a ministry, in the final analysis, are no different than the purposes of any local church or any Christian organization. We want to help students move along a path of spiritual development. Our purposes are really the church's purposes. But we are not a church. We are merely a ministry that helps the local church to accomplish it's purposes in the school environment. We are partners with the local church for accomplishing the church's mandate to reach students for Christ. We are like a specialist within the church community that has been concentrating on student ministry for fifty years. But we are not a church.


We're an interdenominational Movement

Members of I.S.C.F. and U.C.C.F. do not come from any one single denomination. We value diversity and unity within the body of Christ. Our styles of worship, denominational beliefs, ministry values, dress codes etc. might be different, but our commitment to Christ is the same. We work hard to ensure that persons from a variety of denominational backgrounds will feel comfortable in a being part of our movement. We try to maintain a posture of humility and a willingness to learn from each other.


We're part of a bigger Movement

The Scripture Union began publishing devotional guides in Jamaica in the 1920's. In the late 1940's with the help of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada student groups began meeting at six High Schools in Kingston and at the University College of the West Indies. In 1980 these two movements were formally merged and S.C.F.S.U. was born. S.C.F.S.U. is a completely self governing organization with a Board of Directors and a few salaried staff.

We are afilliated with Scripture Union International and with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Scripture Union International has affiliates in over 90 countries and the I.F.E.S. has affiliates in over 120 countries worldwide.


We're a volunteer supported Movement

S.C.F.S.U. is a registered charitable organisation in Jamaica and is funded by gifts from the Christian community.

We are primarily a volunteer movement. You can be involved in this ministry by:

  • praying for us
  • becoming a member of our financial support group, Club 500
  • becoming an I.S.C.F. sponsor
  • becoming an I.S.C.F. mentor
  • becoming a U.C.C.F. volunteer staffworker
  • assisting with special activities, camps, conferences etc.




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