As a student movement we've designed a variety of materials for use in the campus environment. We hope that they will be of use to you as you seek to know Christ and to make him known.
Gordon Mullings has produced a number of resources for the campus ministry environment which can be viewed by clicking below. If you intend to print these documents it is best to download them in .pdf format and then print them using Adobe Acrobat Reader. These resources can also be downloaded in Word 97 format from the Gordon E. Mullings downloads page.
SCFSU has also produced the following online resources:
SCFSU and Other student ministries have also produced the following which are provided in .pdf format for downloading:
- Bible Study, a Dynamic Approach from Switzerland by Marc Gallopin GBU Switzerland | dynamicbs.pdf
- Inductive Emotions, a Bible Study method from Jamaica by David Pearson| iebs.pdf
- Witnesses to Jesus 1: Ten studies in Luke 1-9 from IVCF USA | witnesses1.pdf
- Witnesses to Jesus 2: Ten studies in Luke 10-24 from IVCF USA | witnesses2.pdf
- Witnesses to Jesus 3: Ten studies in Acts from IVCF USA | witnesses3.pdf
- "Encounters With Jesus: Doing and leading Indouctive Bible Studies by Charles and Anne Hummel | encounters.pdf
- Joseph, 6 Bible studies from the UCCF UK | joseph.pdf
- Daniel, 6 Bible studies from the UCCF UK | daniel.pdf
- David, 67 Bible studies by Dave Bowser, Young Life USA | david.pdf
- "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand UP?", 8 investigative Bible discussions by Mark Ashton | real.pdf
- Food for Life, creative evangelism on campus, by Anne Webster IFES | food.pdf
- Is Your Chapter Budget Working? by Charles Hummel | budget.pdf
- The High Cost of Leadership by Andrew T LePeau IVCF USA | cost.pdf
- Imitating the Good Shepherd by Dennis Anderson | shepherd.pdf
- Welcome to the Top by Bob Coughlin IVCF USA | top.pdf
- Making the Most of Your Time by Bob Fryling IVCF USA | time.pdf
There are variety of good Christian resources on the Internet. You can access some of these through our links page.