Other Youth Ministries:
The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)
Bible Study Links:
Daily Bread Devotional Guide, published by Scripture Union
- The Bible Index is available to both biblical scholars, searching souls, and any other interested person
- Young Lifer Dave Bowser publishes an excellent weekly Bible study that is worth checking out and returning to often!
- Sermons by John Piper, author of the Pleasures of God, Future Grace, Desiring God and several other works and pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis.
- Berean Starting Points, a website developed by Dan Fuller, former dean of Fuller Theological Seminary contains his writings.
- The Hall of Church History is an extensive database of the writings of Theologians of all ages. As the site says, this is "theology from a bunch of dead guys". You must visit this site!!
- Jonathan Edwards online contains the writings of this 18th century American theologian.
- The Spurgeon Archive contains the writings of the nineteenth century preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Other Youth Ministry Resources and links:
EGAD! Youth Ministry Resources
- For an extensive list of Christian resources, visit the Christian & Youth Resources page. It carries many links aimed specifically at Christian youth and/or youth ministry personnel.
- Would you like to participate more directly in CCM? Check out the The Pipeline and a chance to preview new music!
- Youth Specialties has been servicing adults who minister to teenagers for over 25 years, and is "the leader in youth ministry resources and training."
- Do you ever feel that there isn't much out there that you can relate to? Well now there is! Check out The Online Ministry, a Christian site for young adults put together by the very same!