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Here are some miscellaneous pictures:

CAST UCCF welcomes new students following hurricane Gilbert, 1988

Eastern Area Conference, 199?

ISCFers from Mona High School, 1989

Moorlans Camp

The SCFSU office following hurricane Gilbert, 1988

The opening of the Dick Bell Building

Rally at Kirkvine, 1981

Mrs. Faith Linton signs copies of her book, Through Trial and Error

The 1997/1998 UCCF National Executive and staffworker(back row:Stephen Russell, Michelle Harris, Catherine Chambers, Tracy Ann Tyrell; front row:Christopher Sterling, Omar Morrison, Leonaora Ledgister; absent: Keeva Beach)

Long standing SCFSU supporter Richard McCaw in action

UCCFers on a hike, 198?

Members of Teachers' Christian Fellowship on retreat, 1986

Camps in 1977 and 1978 | Jubilee Rally Pictures | More Jubilee Rally Pictures

Jubilee Walkathon Pictures | Jubilee Fellowship Breakfast Pictures

Walkathon Pictures | 40th Anniversary Pictures

Pictures of the Board and Staff | Miscellaneous Pictures


pictures of our board and staffhomesite mapsearch the Christian webcontact webmasterthe ISCF homepage